If you came to this page from Proclaim's song results view, your credentials may have expired and Proclaim failed to refresh the credentials.
To resolve this, click Account Details, and select Link Your Accounts...
Next, click REMOVE next to SongSelect by CCLI to remove your linked account.
Finally, click ENTER INFO to enter your SongSelect by CCLI account details and then sign in.
Return to your song, and retry your search. If that fixed it, you are good to go! If not, continue reading for more troubleshooting steps.
If you continue to run into this, please submit your log files from the Help Menu and let us know that you are having issues with your SongSelect account staying linked.
Occasionally, a SongSelect account will fail to link to Proclaim. You will receive an alert message.
Here are four common reasons why a failure may occur:
Cause #1: Computer's System Time
If your computer's system time is more than forty-five seconds off the SongSelect server's time, the link will not be established. You can often fix this by setting your computer time to automatically update.
Cause #2: Problems with SongSelect Account
Another cause could be an issue with your SongSelect account, which you can check by ensuring you can sign in to songselect.ccli.com using the same credentials. If you're unable to retrieve lyrics from SongSelect's website, you may want to contact their support department.
Cause #3: Recently Changed SongSelect Password
If you have changed your SongSelect password subsequent to linking your accounts, you will need to unlink your accounts and re-enter your SongSelect credentials in Proclaim.
Cause #4: Problems with Proclaim
If you are able to access your songs on songselect.ccli.com and your computer's time is set to automatically update, your Proclaim account may be experiencing unknown problems. Please submit your log files. Our team will take a look at your logs and follow up with an update or an explanation of the problem.