You can download an audio or video file of your sermon once it is recorded and published.
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Download Sermon Audio from Proclaim
Download Sermon Audio and Video from Logos Sermons
Note: You can adjust the volume of your sermon recordings using Audacity by locating the .wav file on your computer, editing it in Audacity, and replacing it. Learn more.
Download Sermon Audio from Proclaim
You can download an uncompressed, lossless audio .wav file directly from Proclaim. The high quality .wav format is much larger than the compressed .mp3 you can download from Logos Sermons.
1. Locate the sermon recording.
When you finish recording and go Off Air, Proclaim displays your sermon recording. You can return to the recording at anytime by opening the sermon in Proclaim and expanding Recordings.
2. Select Download raw audio.
Click Download.
3. Save the audio to your computer.
Download Sermon Audio and Video from Logos Sermons
You can download the compressed .mp3 audio or the .mp4 video of your sermon from
1. Navigate to the sermon.
Go to, sign in, and select My Sermons. Choose the sermon or sermon series from the list.
Note: If you don’t see the sermon under My Sermons it may be connected to your church group’s account. To locate all sermons your church has published, select the settings icon and select your church group from the list.
If your sermon is part of a series, select it from the list of sermons in the series.
2. Select the audio or video download icon
Note: If you don’t see the download icons, make sure you’re viewing your sermon and not the series.