Recording, editing, publishing, and distributing sermons is a time-intensive process. That’s why it’s not uncommon for churches to be a few weeks behind. Proclaim automates recording and distributing your sermon every week.
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Tell Proclaim when to record and go On Air. Because Proclaim records both your slides and your audio, anything your audience sees and hears during recorded sections of your service will be captured. When your service ends, click publish. We’ll post your recording wherever your church has a presence online before you even leave the building!
1. Set up your audio device.
After your audio input is plugged into your computer, open the audio settings.
Choose your input device and test the playback by recording a quick sample. You should only need to do this once.
2. Add recording cues.
You can set Proclaim to record any section of your service automatically. Surround any sections to be recorded with Start and Stop recording cues from the Add Item menu.
You can also add cues with keyboard shortcuts:
- Start cue: Shift + control + [ on a PC or shift + cmd + [ on a Mac
- Stop cue: Shift + control + ] on a PC or shift + cmd + ] on a Mac
Drag your cues to the right spot in your service. You can have multiple Start and Stop recording cues. For instance, you may want to capture both the Scripture reading and the sermon. Proclaim will start and stop the recording at the right times, stitching all recorded sections together into one file.
Did you know? Proclaim captures your audio and slides together in sync, producing a full, multimedia recording for viewing later.
3. Go On Air.
Go On Air. When you enter a section marked for recording, a recording indicator appears along with an input level feedback indicator to let you know Proclaim is recording.
Navigating past a stop cue will pause your recording and remove the recording indicator.
Note: If you hear something live you’ll want to remember later, press the “m” key to drop a marker in your recording. Markers display as orange tick marks in your finished audio file. Use these markers to edit out your pastor’s cough, or mark the section you’ll want to use as a soundbite.
4. Edit your recording.
When you go Off Air (press your keyboard’s escape key or deselect On Air), Proclaim will stop the recording and open a sermon recording window.
You don’t have to edit and publish your sermon immediately. Proclaim saves recorded sermons so you can access them later. Expand the Recordings dropdown to find previously recorded sermons.
Add metadata
Before you publish your sermon, add details to make the sermon easy to find online. Upload a cover image, give the sermon a title and set the speaker who delivered the sermon.
Did you know? You can select the speaker’s account. Just start typing their name and choose from the list of populated users. Linking the sermon to your pastor ensures his sermons stay organized in one easy-to-access place on Logos Sermons.
Edit the audio
Click and drag on the audio waveform below. If you need to zoom in, scroll with your mouse or adjust the slider to the right of the Actions dropdown menu. Click the blue play icon below your selected audio to preview your selection. Press the Delete key on your keyboard or select Delete in the Actions menu. Anything between the two yellow selection lines will be deleted.
You can also Undo/Redo or Reset the audio to its original recorded form from the Actions menu.
Grab a soundbite
Grab a soundbite from your recording that represents your sermon in sixty seconds or less. Drag the orange arrows to the segment that best represents your sermon. Test your soundbite with the play icon.
Transcribe your sermon
Check Transcribe audio to automatically transcribe your sermon when you publish. Transcribed sermons include the full, interactive and searchable text, enable closed captioned playback, and auto-generate a comprehensive tone analysis.
Each transcription requires a credit. If you need more, click Purchase more. Credits cost as little as $1 a sermon.
Note: Learn more about sermon transcription with Proclaim.
5. Publish your sermon.
When you’re happy with your sermon, click Publish. After the audio processes, Proclaim will verify your audio is published.
When you publish your sermon, it posts to your Faithlife church group, Logos Sermons, iTunes (Windows and versions of macOS before 10.15), Podcasts (macOS 10.15 and later), your church website, and anywhere else your church has a presence online. Learn more about sharing your sermons with your church.
Note: To publish audio within Proclaim, you need a Faithlife church group. If you do not already have one, you can set one up in a few moments.