With Proclaim you can show several different output types on as many screens as you need, including the Confidence Monitor Output, which displays a high contrast, text-only view of the slide content. The Confidence output is often used by the worship team and presented on a confidence monitor that is visible from stage. The output also supports stage directions to quickly facilitate messages to whomever is presenting.
This article is about configuring your displays to use the confidence monitor. Click here to learn about creating your own custom confidence monitor templates.
1. Set an output to Confidence.
Expand the Settings menu and select Display. Set your chosen output to Confidence.
Note: Learn more about configuring all output types in Proclaim.
You can add as many confidence monitors as you need, so long as at least one output is set to Slides. Proclaim requires at least one monitor be set to Slides to show your public-facing presentation. The monitor followed by "Application" is your computer’s monitor, and should be set to "Not Used" so you can control your presentation while On Air.
2. Configure the output’s settings.
Once you've set your display to Confidence, it's time to configure the Default Confidence settings for each service item type.
Proclaim uses templates for the confidence monitor. We've provided a variety of templates to choose from, but you can also make your own if you can't find one that works for your team.
- Default shows your slide content, the service item title, a confidence timer (if you have one set up), a clock, and a preview of the next slide's content.
- Presenter View includes a full preview of the next slide, notes for each service item, a clock, and a timer. This is the best solution for a pastor who wants to control the presentation from a laptop in the pulpit, and you can make it full-screen by setting your laptop display to Confidence.
- Timer shows the active confidence timer, a recording indicator, and a clock. You'll need to add a confidence timer cue to show a timer on the confidence monitor. This would work well for someone giving an announcement that shouldn't exceed the allotted time. Learn more about confidence timers.
- Clock is a good option for sermon Content items where you've got your notes on paper or a tablet, but need to be able to see the time clearly.
- Large Lyric Preview is similar to Default, but with the preview line quite a bit larger to help you clearly see what's next.
- Slide Content Only takes away the clocks, times, and previews and only displays the text on your main slides.
Select an item type, then choose the template you want to use for all service items of that kind. If you like a specific template and want to use it across all your service items, select Apply to all item types.
3. Configure other options.
The confidence monitor also supports features that require additional steps to use effectively:
Countdown timers: Timers on your Confidence or Notes monitor can count up to show a speaker how long they’ve been speaking or count down from a pre-determined time limit (learn more).
Stage Directions or Messages: You can send live speaker-facing stage directions or messages to communicate important information to the Confidence or Notes monitor (learn more).
Videos: show video content to show your team the same videos you show your congregation. Choose a template and select "Edit" to open the confidence template editor. If your template has the "Current Slide Content" confidence item, check the option to "Use video player if available". Save your template, then exit the editor to see your template in the confidence options.
Note: You can also configure congregation-facing messages like Crawl Text, Pager information, and Countdown Clocks (learn more).
4. Preview the monitors
Select the item you want to preview, then click the Confidence tab. If you don't like what you see, check Override default template and select a different template to override your default for that item.