You can add background audio to a service item or section within Proclaim. This allows you to seamlessly cue audio tracks to begin and end at the appropriate moments in your service. Proclaim also enables you to change the background audio on a video.
Skip ahead to:
- Import Audio Tracks
- Add Audio to a Service Item
- Add Audio to a Section
- Add an Audio Track to a Video
- Audio Track Options
Import Audio Tracks
1. Open the Media Import menu item.
Expand Media, hover over Import, and select Audio.
2. Add your audio file.
Locate an audio file on your computer and click Open.
Note: Proclaim supports .mp3 and .m4a audio file formats.
3. Edit the song information.
Provide song information and add any desired tags (optional). Click Add.
Note: Audio tracks can also be imported at the time they are added to a service item or section.
Add Audio to a Service Item
1. Browse available audio options.
Select your desired service item and click the speaker icon to the right of the item name. Click Browse Audio.
Note: Import additional tracks by clicking Import. Locate your desired audio file on your computer and click Open.
2. Select the track(s) you want to use.
Proclaim displays audio tracks that you have imported. A green checkmark indicates your selected track(s). Click Add.
3. View and configure connected audio.
Proclaim displays the selected playlist for the service item. If you selected multiple tracks, Proclaim displays them in the order you selected them. To change the duration of the audio track, at the bottom of the panel, click the highlighted text to the right of Continue/Repeat until. Select End of service item.
The audio track automatically starts when you navigate to the service item and ends when you navigate to the next item.
Note: Learn more about audio track options below.
Add Audio to a Section
1. Browse available audio options.
Select the service item in your section where you want the audio track to start and click the speaker icon to the right of the item name. Click Browse Audio.
Note: Import additional tracks by clicking Import. Locate your desired audio file on your computer, and click Open.
2. Select the track(s) you want to use.
Proclaim displays audio tracks that you have imported. A green checkmark indicates your selected track(s). Click Add.
3. View and configure connected audio.
Proclaim displays the selected playlist for the service item. If you selected multiple tracks, Proclaim displays them in the order you selected them. At the bottom of the panel, click the highlighted text to the right of Continue/Repeat until. Select End of section.
Note: If this is your first time adding audio tracks to a presentation, End of section is the default setting. Proclaim remembers your last selection and makes it the new default setting.
A faint blue speaker icon appears next to each service item containing the audio track(s). The audio track automatically starts when you navigate to the first service item in the section containing the audio track and continues to the end of the section (e.g. Pre-service Loop.)
Note: Learn more about audio track options below.
4. Stop background audio for a service item (optional.)
You can stop the audio track at any service item by clicking the speaker icon and selecting Stop Background Audio. Proclaim stops the audio when that service item displays.
Note: To remove an audio stop cue, click the red speaker icon and select Remove audio stop cue.
Add an Audio Track to a Video
You can show videos in Proclaim by using a Web Page or Video service item.
Web Page service item
1. Browse available audio options.
Select the Web Page service item and click the speaker icon to the right of the item name. Click Browse Audio.
Note: Import additional tracks by clicking Import, locate your desired audio file on your computer, and click Open.
2. Select the track(s) you want to use.
Proclaim displays audio tracks that you have imported. A green checkmark indicates your selected track(s). Click Add.
3. View and configure connected audio.
Proclaim displays the selected playlist for the service item. If you selected multiple tracks, Proclaim displays them in the order you selected them. At the bottom of the panel, click End of section to change the duration of the audio track. Select End of service item.
The audio track automatically starts when you navigate to the service item.
Note: Learn more about audio track options below.
4. Mute your video’s default audio.
If you are using a YouTube or Vimeo video, make sure you mute the audio on the video or it will play along with your audio track.
Note: Learn more about adding YouTube videos.
Video service item
Videos attached to your presentation in video service items often contain their own audio. You can, however, replace that audio with a background audio track.
1. Add a content service item.
Insert a blank content service item directly before your video by clicking Add Item followed by Content. This content item will begin playing your background audio.
2. Browse available audio options.
Click the speaker icon to the right of the item name, and click Browse Audio.
Note: Import additional tracks by clicking Import…, locate your desired audio file on your computer, and click Open.
3. Select the track(s) you want to use.
Proclaim displays audio tracks that you have imported. A green checkmark indicates your selected track(s). Click Add.
4. View and configure connected audio.
Proclaim displays the selected playlist for the service item. If you selected multiple tracks, Proclaim displays them in the order you selected them. At the bottom of the panel, click End of section to change the duration of the audio track. Select Stopped or End of playlist (depending on the length of your audio track).
5. Start your background audio when your video begins.
To start the audio track when the video begins, manually skip the blank content item and click the video service item. The audio and video start simultaneously.
Set your blank Content item to Auto-advance every 1 seconds. Proclaim will show your blank content item for 1 second, begin the audio, and then immediately fade into your video service item.
6. Set your video service item to use background audio.
Click the Play icon to the right of your video and select Use Background Audio. This replaces the video’s default audio with the audio from the preceding content service item.
7. Stop your background audio when your video ends.
If your audio track exceeds the length of your video, click the speaker icon in the item immediately following the video and select Stop Background Audio. This stops the audio at the start of the item.
Note: Learn more about audio track options below.
Audio Track Options
Clicking a bright blue speaker icon opens the audio track panel. From this panel you can:
- Add additional audio tracks by clicking Add Audio Tracks.
- Clear all audio tracks by clicking Clear.
- Reorder your audio tracks by dragging and dropping an audio track to a new location in the playlist.
- Remove an audio track by clicking the X to the right of the track you want to remove.
- Play your audio tracks in a random order by checking the box marked Shuffle in the bottom right corner of the panel.
- Adjust the duration of your audio tracks by clicking the hyperlink text to the right of Continue/Repeat until.