Proclaim’s Smart Media reformats your text automatically to fit with the slide background.
Using Smart Media gives you greater control and flexibility over your presentation. When you apply Smart Media, your text updates automatically to match the template. Notice how Proclaim retains all the content, including the CCLI information and song details.
Smart Media also remembers your church’s information across your presentations, like your church’s name, website, social media handles, and more whenever it’s referenced by a Smart Media template.
Note: Your customizations—including church information like your website and social media handles—sync to everyone else on your team.
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How to Apply Smart Media
You can find existing media in the Media Browser.
1. Open the Media Browser.
Expand Settings and select Media Browser.
Note: Proclaim comes prepackaged with more than 1,000 pieces of free media. If you want access to more Smart Media, consider subscribing to additional media packages to gain as many as 25,000 additional media resources.
2. Select Smart Media.
All Smart Media is marked with the Smart Media icon . Select media and either Add as a new item to add a new service item to your presentation or Apply as Smart Media to update the selected service item in Proclaim with the new media.
You can also apply Smart Media to multiple service items simultaneously.
Did you know? You can set Smart Media as the default media for song, Bible, announcement, or content service item type. To set default media, go to Settings > Default Media.
How to Create Your Own Smart Media
You can create your own Smart Media by customizing an existing template or by creating one from scratch.
1. Customize an existing Smart Media template.
To customize existing smart media, right-click on a service item and select Customize Smart Media or open the media browser, select any existing Smart Media, and select Customize Smart Media.
Make any changes to the media.
Options include:
- Aspect Ratio: set options for for 4:3 and 16:9 aspect ratios
- Formatting Toolbar: set text styling for any text box
- Text Inputs: add both hint text and example text to any text box
- Sync Options: choose to sync style settings across aspect ratios
- Smart Content: insert smart content for your church website, social media handles, or any smart media content
Click Save.
In the box that opens, add your own custom Title or adjust any other metadata associated with the media item and select Save.
To find your new Smart Media template, go to Media > Browse Media. Your new template will appear in your Group Uploads.
2. Create a Smart Media Template from Scratch
If you want consistent format for Content, Songs, Announcement, or other kind of service item, but you don’t want to use any default Smart Media, you can use Proclaim to create your own Smart Media templates.
Note: Proclaim comes prepackaged with more than 1,000 pieces of free media. If you want access to more media and don’t want to create your own, consider subscribing to additional media packages to gain as many as 25,000 additional media resources.
Expand the Media menu and select Create Smart Media.
Choose a template and click Choose.
Add background, images, and text boxes.
The best image size depends on your aspect ratio:
- For an aspect ratio of 16:9, resize your image to 1920x1080px.
- For an aspect ratio of 4:3, resize to 1024x768px.
Note: Proclaim automatically attempts to resize your template to work with both 16:9 and 4:3 aspect ratios, and you can adjust each separately. Click the caption sync button in the top right-hand corner to sync your caption location across different aspect ratios or the style sync button
to sync styles across aspect ratios. View 16:9 or 4:3 in the most left-hand panel of the Smart Media customizer.
Add text boxes or foreground images. Text box options include generic and smart captions (which pre-populate the text options).
The text toolbar includes a variety of options to customize the look of your content.
Note: You must import an image in order to save your template. Proclaim will scale your image to fit the background, but you may want to resize it to your desired aspect ratio before importing for best results.
When you’re done customizing your template, click Save to give your template a name, add a description or tags if you want. You can even submit your design to the Proclaim community media for others to use. When you’re ready, click Save to secure your changes.
To find your new Smart Media template, select Go to Media Browser from the pop-up. In the future, you can find your custom Smart Media by going to Media > Browse Media. Your new template will appear in your Group Uploads.