1. Add a new song service item.
Select Song from the Add Item menu.
2. Search for a song.
In the search field, add a song title. Proclaim returns options under two categories:
- My Songs: Any matching songs you’ve already added to your worship team(s).
- New Songs: 1) songs from a connected SongSelect account, 2) songs from the Hymnbase (i.e., public domain songs available at music.proclaim.logos.com), and 3) the option to create a new song with your own custom lyrics.
To preview a song's lyrics, hover over the title and the lyrics will display to the right. Click any song to add it to your service song item.
If you choose lyrics from the My Songs category, the lyrics are added to your selected service item. If you choose a lyrics from the New Songs section, Proclaim prompts you to add the song to your worship team for quicker access in the future.
3. Add the song to your Worship Team.
If you selected a new song, you’ll need to add it to an existing worship team.
Use the fields to customize the new song before you add it to your worship team:
- Worship Team: If you have multiple worship teams associated with your Faithlife church group, use the dropdown to switch teams.
- Arrangement Title: Provide a descriptive title for your arrangement. This is the title that will show for your arrangement under your worship team when you search for this song in the future.
- Key: If you know the key you’ll use, select it from the dropdown. You can change this in the song service item if you change your planned key.
- On Screen Title: By default, Proclaim uses the song’s title, although you can change this attributions if needed.
- Artist: If provided by your selected song, Proclaim uses the song’s provided artist. You can also customize this field. You can set the artist attribution to show during your presentation.
Click Add Song to add the arrangement to your worship team’s collection and to your service.
4. Adjust the song service item.
Proclaim populates the service song item with all available verses, the artist, and any other information associated with the song. Like many service items in Proclaim, song items can hold multiple slides, which show in the right-hand Preview pane and below in the timeline view.
Skip ahead to:
- How to select a different arrangement
- How to adjust lyrics
- How to format text
- How to apply a song background
How to select a different arrangement.
If you have multiple custom arrangements of your current song available, you can select an arrangement from the dropdown menu.
How to adjust lyrics.
All available lyrics display by default. You can add your own custom slide order or include title slides from the verse bar (learn more).
Did you know? Proclaim supports lower-third graphics, including applying overlays over live video.
How to format text.
Adjust the typography using the center editing pane. Apply italics, bold, etc., or adjust how Proclaim displays lyrics display by adding a blank line between lyrics. For songs items, each new blank line creates a line break automatically.
Note: Learn more about working with text in Proclaim.
How to apply a song background.
Select Browse Media from the Background dropdown menu to add a background to your song slide.
Once you find a background, apply it to your current slide. When you Apply as Smart Media, the slides text styling will automatically update as you make changes to it. Learn more about working with Smart Media.
Did you know? By default new song items display on a black background with white text. You can change your default slide backgrounds from Settings > Default Media. Also, because of our cloud feature, all songs are saved on music.proclaim.logos.com.