If Proclaim crashes repeatedly, you can delete all existing data for Proclaim on your computer and reinstall the app.
Warning! Completely uninstalling and reinstalling Proclaim is not always necessary. First, ensure your version of Proclaim is up-to-date. Second, consider these troubleshooting solutions. If these steps do not solve repeated crashes, you can uninstall and reinstall Proclaim.
- Uninstall Proclaim. Locate the Proclaim App and uninstall it. If you’re not sure where to find the app, open your system settings and navigate to the apps menu.
- Delete Proclaim data. In addition to uninstalling the app, you’ll also need to delete all local app data. Hit the windows key and type
. Locate and delete the Proclaim folder. - Download and install Proclaim.
For macOS
On macOS, you can either use a free 3rd party software to remove all Proclaim files or manually delete them yourself. Once finished deleted the app and all associated data, download and install Proclaim.
Third-party software
- Download and install the free AppCleaner software.
- Drag and drop Proclaim into the app cleaner software to completely remove it from your device.
Manual method
To manually delete every file with Proclaim, you’ll need to carefully follow the following steps.
Drag the Proclaim to your system Trash.
macOS may ask you to confirm your choice to delete the Proclaim application. To truly remove every local file connected with Proclaim, continue to step 2. - Manually delete all Proclaim data.
Go to each of the following locations and delete any folders with “Proclaim” in the name. You can access each location by opening the Finder, typing ⌘+Shift+G and pasting each of the following locations in the search bar.~/Library/
~/Library/Application Support/
~/Library/Application Support/CrashReporter/
~/Library/Saved Application State/